MATLAB File Help: prtAction
  prtAction - Base class for many PRT components.
   prtAction is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated.
    Classification, regression and feature selection techniques are all
    sub-classes of prtAction.
    All prtAction objects have the following properties:
    name                 - Descriptive name for prtAction object
    nameAbbreviation     - Shortened name for prtAction object
    isTrained            - Indicates whether the current prtAction 
                           object has been trained                          
    isCrossValidateValid - Flag indicating whether or not
                           cross-validation is a valid operation on 
                           this prtAction object
    verboseStorage       - Flag to allow or disallow verbose storage
    dataSetSummary       - A struct, set during training, containing
                           information about the training data set
    dataSet              - A prtDataSet, containing the training data,
                           only used if verboseStorage is true
    userData             - A struct containing user-specified data
    All prtAction objects have the following methods:
    train             - Train the prtAction object using a prtDataSet
    run               - Evaluate the prtAction object on a prtDataSet
    runOnTrainingData - Evaluate the prtAction object on a prtDataSet
                        during training prior to training of other
                        prtActions within a prtAlgorithm
    crossValidate     - Cross-validate the prtAction object using a 
                        labeled prtDataSet and cross-validation keys
    kfolds            - K-folds cross-validate the prtAction object
                        using a labeled prtDataSet
    optimize          - Optimize the prtAction for a specified
See Also
Class Details
Sealed false
Construct on load false
Constructor Summary
prtAction Base class for many PRT components. 
Property Summary
dataSet The training prtDataSet, only stored if verboseStorage is true.  
dataSetSummary Structure that summarizes prtDataSet. 
isCrossValidateValid Indicates whether or not cross-validation is a valid operation 
isSupervised Specifies if the prtAction requires a labeled dataSet 
isTrained Indicates if prtAction object has been trained. 
name Descriptive name of prtAction object. 
nameAbbreviation Shortened name for the prtAction object. 
userData User specified data 
verboseStorage Specifies whether or not to store the training prtDataset. 
Method Summary
  crossValidate Cross validate prtAction using prtDataSet and cross validation keys. 
  get get the object properties 
  kfolds Perform K-folds cross-validation of prtAction 
  optimize Optimize action parameter by exhaustive function maximization. 
  run Run a prtAction object on a prtDataSet object. 
  set set the object properties 
  train Train a prtAction object using training a prtDataSet object.