MATLAB File Help: prtPreProc |
prtPreProc Base class for prt pre processing objects PreProcessors are currently have no additional properties or methods This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated. A prtPreProc object inherits all methods and properties from the prtAction class
Superclasses | prtAction |
Sealed | false |
Construct on load | false |
prtPreProc | As an action subclass we must set the properties to reflect |
dataSet | The training prtDataSet, only stored if verboseStorage is true. |
dataSetSummary | Structure that summarizes prtDataSet. |
isCrossValidateValid | True |
isSupervised | False |
isTrained | Indicates if prtAction object has been trained. |
name | Descriptive name of prtAction object. |
nameAbbreviation | Shortened name for the prtAction object. |
showProgressBar | |
userData | User specified data |
verboseStorage | Specifies whether or not to store the training prtDataset. |
crossValidate | Cross validate prtAction using prtDataSet and cross validation keys. | |
get | get the object properties | |
kfolds | Perform K-folds cross-validation of prtAction | |
optimize | Optimize action parameter by exhaustive function maximization. | |
run | Run a prtAction object on a prtDataSet object. | |
set | set the object properties | |
train | Train a prtAction object using training a prtDataSet object. |