MATLAB File Help: prtAction/prtAction
  prtAction - Base class for many PRT components.
   prtAction is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated.
    Classification, regression and feature selection techniques are all
    sub-classes of prtAction.
    All prtAction objects have the following properties:
    name                 - Descriptive name for prtAction object
    nameAbbreviation     - Shortened name for prtAction object
    isTrained            - Indicates whether the current prtAction 
                           object has been trained                          
    isCrossValidateValid - Flag indicating whether or not
                           cross-validation is a valid operation on 
                           this prtAction object
    verboseStorage       - Flag to allow or disallow verbose storage
    dataSetSummary       - A struct, set during training, containing
                           information about the training data set
    dataSet              - A prtDataSet, containing the training data,
                           only used if verboseStorage is true
    userData             - A struct containing user-specified data
    All prtAction objects have the following methods:
    train             - Train the prtAction object using a prtDataSet
    run               - Evaluate the prtAction object on a prtDataSet
    runOnTrainingData - Evaluate the prtAction object on a prtDataSet
                        during training prior to training of other
                        prtActions within a prtAlgorithm
    crossValidate     - Cross-validate the prtAction object using a 
                        labeled prtDataSet and cross-validation keys
    kfolds            - K-folds cross-validate the prtAction object
                        using a labeled prtDataSet
    optimize          - Optimize the prtAction for a specified
See Also