prtDataSetBase Base class for all prt data sets.
This is an abstract class from which all prt data sets inherit from.
It can not be instantiated. It contains the following properties:
name - Data set descriptive name
description - Description of the data set
userData - Structure for holding additional related to the
data set
observationInfo - Structure array holding additional
data per related to each observation
nObservations - Number of observations in the data set
nTargetDimensions - Number of target dimensions
isLabeled - Whether or not the data set is labeled
The prtDataSetBase class has the following methods
getObservationNames - get the observation names
setObservationNames - set the observation names
getTargetNames - get the target names
setTargetNames - set the target names
getX - Shortcut for getObservations
setX - Shortcut for setObservations
getY - Shortcut for getTargets
setY - Shortcut for setTargets
setXY - Shortcut for setObservationsAndTargets
The prtDataSetBase class also specifies the following abstract
functions, which are implemented by all derived classes:
getObservations - Return an array of observations
setObservations - Set the array of observations
getTargets - Return an array of targets (empty if unlabeled)
setTargets - Set the array of targets
setObservationsAndTargets - Set the array of observations and
catFeatures - Combine the features from a data set
with another data set
catObservations - Combine the Observations from a data
set with another data set
catTargets - Combine the targets from a data set
with another data set
removeObservations - Remove observations from a data set
retainObservations - Retain observatons (remove all others)
from a data set
removeTargets - Remove columns of targets from a data set
retainTargets - Retain columns of targets from a data set
plot - Plot the data set
summarize - Output a summary of the data set