MATLAB File Help: prtRegressRvmSequential/prtRegressRvmSequential
  prtRegressRvm  Relevance vector machine regression object
    This code is based on:
        Michael E Tipping, Sparse bayesian learning and the relevance 
        vector machine, The Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol 1.
    Also see
    A prtRegressionRvm object inherits the PLOT method from the
    prtRegress object, and the TRAIN, RUN, CROSSVALIDATE and KFOLDS
    methods from the prtAction object.
    dataSet = prtDataGenNoisySinc;           % Load a prtDataRegress
    dataSet.plot;                    % Display data
    reg = prtRegressRvmSequential;   % Create a prtRegressRvm object
    reg = reg.train(dataSet);        % Train the prtRegressRvm object
    reg.plot();                      % Plot the resulting curve
    dataSetOut =;   % Run the regressor on the data
    hold on;
    plot(dataSet.getX,dataSetOut.getX,'c.') % Plot, overlaying the
                                            % fitted points with the 
                                            % curve and original data
    hold off;
    legend('Regression curve','Original Points','Selected Relevant Points','Fitted points',0)
See also