MATLAB File Help: prtDecisionMap
  prtDecisionMap Maximum a-posteriori decision making
  prtDec = prtDecisionMap creates a prtDecisionBinaryMap
  object, which can be used to perform Maximu a-posteriori decions.
  prtDecision objects are intended to be used either as members of
  prtAlgorithm or prtClass objects.
  Example 1:
  ds = prtDataGenMary;                    % Load a data set
  classifier = prtClassKnn;            % Create a clasifier
  classifier = classifier.train(ds);   % Train the classifier
  yOutClassifier =; % Run the classifier
  % Construct a prtAlgorithm object consisting of a prtClass object and
  % a prtDecision object
  algo = prtClassKnn + prtDecisionMap; 
  algo = algo.train(ds);        % Train the algorithm    
  yOutAlgorithm =; % Run the algorithm
  % Plot and compare the results
  subplot(2,1,1); stem(yOutClassifier.getObservations); title('KNN Output');
  subplot(2,1,2); stem(yOutAlgorithm.getObservations); title('KNN + Decision Output');
  Example 2:
  ds = prtDataGenMary;              % Load a data set
  classifier = prtClassKnn;            % Create a clasifier
  classifier = classifier.train(ds);   % Train the classifier
  % Plot the trained classifier
  subplot(2,1,1); plot(classifier); title('KNN');
  % Set the classifiers internealDecider to be a prtDecsion object
  classifier.internalDecider = prtDecisionMap;
  classifier = classifier.train(ds); % Train the classifier
  subplot(2,1,2); plot(classifier); title('KNN + Decision');
See also
Class Details
Superclasses prtDecision
Sealed false
Construct on load false
Constructor Summary
prtDecisionMap Maximum a-posteriori decision making 
Property Summary
dataSet The training prtDataSet, only stored if verboseStorage is true.  
dataSetSummary Structure that summarizes prtDataSet. 
isCrossValidateValid True 
isSupervised False 
isTrained Indicates if prtAction object has been trained. 
name MAP 
nameAbbreviation MAP 
userData User specified data 
verboseStorage Specifies whether or not to store the training prtDataset. 
Method Summary
  crossValidate Cross validate prtAction using prtDataSet and cross validation keys. 
  get get the object properties 
  kfolds Perform K-folds cross-validation of prtAction 
  optimize Optimize action parameter by exhaustive function maximization. 
  run Run a prtAction object on a prtDataSet object. 
  set set the object properties 
  train Train a prtAction object using training a prtDataSet object.