MATLAB File Help: prtDecisionMap/prtDecisionMap
  prtDecisionMap Maximum a-posteriori decision making
  prtDec = prtDecisionMap creates a prtDecisionBinaryMap
  object, which can be used to perform Maximu a-posteriori decions.
  prtDecision objects are intended to be used either as members of
  prtAlgorithm or prtClass objects.
  Example 1:
  ds = prtDataGenMary;                    % Load a data set
  classifier = prtClassKnn;            % Create a clasifier
  classifier = classifier.train(ds);   % Train the classifier
  yOutClassifier =; % Run the classifier
  % Construct a prtAlgorithm object consisting of a prtClass object and
  % a prtDecision object
  algo = prtClassKnn + prtDecisionMap; 
  algo = algo.train(ds);        % Train the algorithm    
  yOutAlgorithm =; % Run the algorithm
  % Plot and compare the results
  subplot(2,1,1); stem(yOutClassifier.getObservations); title('KNN Output');
  subplot(2,1,2); stem(yOutAlgorithm.getObservations); title('KNN + Decision Output');
  Example 2:
  ds = prtDataGenMary;              % Load a data set
  classifier = prtClassKnn;            % Create a clasifier
  classifier = classifier.train(ds);   % Train the classifier
  % Plot the trained classifier
  subplot(2,1,1); plot(classifier); title('KNN');
  % Set the classifiers internealDecider to be a prtDecsion object
  classifier.internalDecider = prtDecisionMap;
  classifier = classifier.train(ds); % Train the classifier
  subplot(2,1,2); plot(classifier); title('KNN + Decision');
See also