MATLAB File Help: prtClassTreeBaggingCap/prtClassTreeBaggingCap
  prtClassTreeBaggingCap  Tree bagging central axis projection classifier
     CLASSIFIER = prtClassTreeBaggingCap Tree bagging central axis
     projection classifier.  This classifier is based on the "Random
     Forest" classifier described in 
     Breiman, Leo (2001). "Random Forests". Machine Learning 45
     CLASSIFIER = prtClassTreeBaggingCap(PROPERTY1, VALUE1, ...) constructs a
     prtClassTreeBaggingCap object CLASSIFIER with properties as specified by
     PROPERTY/VALUE pairs.
     A prtClassTreeBaggingCap object inherits all properties from the abstract class
     prtClass. In addition is has the following properties:
     nTrees                       - The number of trees
     nFeatures                    - The number of features
     featureSelectWithReplacement - Flag indicating whether or not to
                                    do feature selection with 
     bootStrapDataAtRoots         - Flag indicating whether or not
                                    to bootstrap at roots
     useMex                       - Flag indicating wheter or not to
                                    use the Mex file for speedup.
     fastTraining                 - Flag indicating whether to use
                                    "fast" training.  Fast training
                                    does not necessarily choose the
                                    optimal operating point at each
                                    node, but is much faster, and often
                                    has competetive (or even superior)
                                    cross-validation performance, at
                                    the expense of increased
     computePercIncrMisclassRate  - Flag indicating whether or not to
                                    compute percent increase in
                                    misclassification rate
   For more information on random tree classifiers, see:
     A prtClassTreeBaggingCap  object inherits the TRAIN, RUN, 
     CROSSVALIDATE and KFOLDS methods from prtAction. It also inherits 
     the PLOT method from prtClass.
      TestDataSet = prtDataGenUniModal;      % Create some test and
      TrainingDataSet = prtDataGenUniModal;  % training data
      classifier = classifier.train(TrainingDataSet);    % Train
      classified = run(classifier, TestDataSet);         % Test
See also