MATLAB File Help: prtClassSvm/prtClassSvm
  prtClassSvm  Support vector machine classifier
     CLASSIFIER = prtClassSvm returns a support vector machine classifier
     CLASSIFIER = prtClassSvm(PROPERTY1, VALUE1, ...) constructs a
     prtClassSvm object CLASSIFIER with properties as specified by
     PROPERTY/VALUE pairs.
     A prtClassSvm object inherits all properties from the abstract class
     prtClass. In addition is has the following properties:
     c      - Slack variable weight 
     tol    - tolerance on learning updates 
     The following properties are read-only.
     alpha  - Vector of support vector machine weights
     beta   - Support vector machine DC offset
     For information on relevance vector machines, please
     refer to the following URL:
     The prtClassSvm object makes use of the sequential minimal
     optimization as described in Reference:
      J. Platt, Sequential Minimal Optimization: A Fast Algorithm
      for Training Support Vector Machines, Microsoft Research Technical
      Report MSR-TR-98-14, (1998).
     A prtClassSvm object inherits the TRAIN, RUN, CROSSVALIDATE and
     KFOLDS methods from prtAction. It also inherits the PLOT method
     from prtClass.
     TestDataSet = prtDataGenUnimodal;      % Create some test and
     TrainingDataSet = prtDataGenUnimodal;  % training data
     classifier = prtClassSvm;              % Create a classifier
     classifier = classifier.train(TrainingDataSet);    % Train
     classified = run(classifier, TestDataSet);         % Test
     [pf,pd] = prtScoreRoc(classified,TestDataSet);
     h = plot(pf,pd,'linewidth',3);
     title('ROC'); xlabel('Pf'); ylabel('Pd');
See also