MATLAB File Help: prtScoreRocBayesianBootstrap
  prtScoreRocBayesianBootstrap   Generate a reciever operator characteristic curve with Bayesian Boostrapping
    prtScoreRocBayesianBootstrap(DECSTATS,LABELS) plots the receiver operator
    characteristic curve for the decision statistics DECSTATS and the
    corresponding labels LABELS. DECSTATS must be a Nx1 vector of decision
    statistics. LABELS must be a Nx1 vector of binary class labels.
    prtScoreRocBayesianBootstrap performs Bayesian boot strap sampling of
    an ROC curve and generates the 100*(1-alpha) percent percentile uniform
    credible band. The default alpha is .05, corresponding to a 95%
    credible band. This is done following the methodology in:
    Non-parametric estimation of ROC curve
    J. Gu, S. Ghosal, and A. Roy
    Statistics in Medicine, Vol. 27, 5407—5420, 2008.
    prtScoreRocBayesianBootstrap(DECSTATS,LABELS, NBOOTSAMP) Specifies the
    nummber of boostrap samples NBOOTSAMP. The default value is 1000.
    prtScoreRocBayesianBootstrap(DECSTATS,LABELS, [], NPFSAMP) Specfies the
    number of samples of probability of false alarm at with which to sample
    the ROC curve. The default is 500.
    prtScoreRocBayesianBootstrap(DECSTATS,LABELS, [], [], ALPHA) Specifies
    ALPHA, the size of the credible interval 100*(1-alpha). The default is
    0.05, corresponding to a 95% credible band
    prtScoreRocBayesianBootstrap(...) outputs PFSAMPLES, the False alarm
    probabilities at which the bootstrapped ROC curves are evaluated.
    PDMEAN, the mean of the bootstrapped ROC curves, PDCONFREGION, the
    100*(1-alpha) percent percentile uniform credible band reported as the
    upper and lower Pd curves. BOOTSTRAPPEDPDS, all samples of the
    bootstrapped ROC curves
     TestDataSet = prtDataGenSpiral;       % Create some test and
     TrainingDataSet = prtDataGenSpiral;   % training data
     classifier = prtClassSvm;             % Create a classifier
     classifier = classifier.train(TrainingDataSet);    % Train
     classified = run(classifier, TestDataSet);     
     %  Plot the ROC
     prtScoreRocBayesianBootstrap(classified.getX, TestDataSet.getY,[],[],.2);
See also