[confMat,occurances] = prtScoreConfusionMatrix(guess,truth)
prtScoreConfusionMatrix Plot or return the confusion matrix
CONFMAT = prtScoreConfusionMatrix(GUESS, TRUTH) returns the confusion matrix that
results from comparing GUESS as compared to the truth in TRUTH.
GUESS and TRUTH should both be Nx1 vectors. The elements of both TRUTH
and GUESS should be binary or interger class labels.
prtScoreConfustionMatrix(GUESS,TRUTH) called without any output
arguments plots the confusion matrix.
TestDataSet = prtDataGenMary; % Create some test and
TrainingDataSet = prtDataGenMary; % training data
classifier = prtClassMap; % Create a classifier
classifier.internalDecider = prtDecisionMap;
classifier = classifier.train(TrainingDataSet); % Train
classified = run(classifier, TestDataSet);
% Display the confusion matrix
prtScoreConfusionMatrix(classified, TestDataSet)