prtScoreCost Return the cost vector
COST = prtScoreCost(DECSTATS,LABELS, COSTMAT) returns the cost vector
COST for the decision statistics DECSTATS and the corresponding labels
LABELS, according to the cost matrix COSTMAT. DECSTATS must be a Nx1
vector of decision statistics. LABELS must be a Nx1 vector of binary
class labels. COST must be a 2x2 matrix, where Cij is the cost of
deciding i when the truth is j.
[COST, PF, PD] = prtScoreRoc(DECSTATS,LABELS) returns the probability
of false alarm PF, the probability of detection PD at the
corresponding COST.
TestDataSet = prtDataGenSpiral; % Create some test and
TrainingDataSet = prtDataGenSpiral; % training data
classifier = prtClassSvm; % Create a classifier
classifier = classifier.train(TrainingDataSet); % Train
classified = run(classifier, TestDataSet);
% Compute the cost vector
C = prtScoreCost(classified.getX, TestDataSet.getY, [1 .1; .1 1]);