MATLAB File Help: prtPreProcPca/prtPreProcPca
  prtPreProcPca   Principle Component Analysis
    PCA = prtPreProcPca creates a Principle Component Analysis object.
    PCA = prtPreProcPca('nComponents',N) constructs a
    prtPreProcPCP object PCA with nComponents set to the value N.
    A prtPreProcPca object has the following properites:
    nComponents    - The number of principle componenets
    A prtPreProcPca object also inherits all properties and functions from
    the prtAction class
    dataSet = prtDataGenFeatureSelection;    % Load a data set
    pca = prtPreProcPca;            % Create a prtPreProcPca object
    pca = pca.train(dataSet);       % Train the prtPreProcPca object
    dataSetNew =;  % Run
    % Plot
    title('PCA Projected Data');
See Also