MATLAB File Help: prtKernelPolynomial/prtKernelPolynomial
  prtKernelPolynomial  Polynomial kernel object
   kernelObj = prtKernelPolynomial; Generates a kernel object implementing a
   polynomial kernel.  Kernel objects are widely used in several
   prt classifiers, such as prtClassRvm and prtClassSvm.  Polynomial kernels
   implement the following function for 1 x N vectors x1 and x2:
    k(x,y) = (x*y'+c).^d;
   KERNOBJ = prtKernelPolynomial(PROPERTY1, VALUE1, ...) constructs a
   prtKernelPolynomial object KERNOBJ with properties as specified by
   PROPERTY/VALUE pairs. prtKernelPolynomial objects have the following
   user-settable properties:
    d   - Positive scalar value specifying the order of the polynomial.
          (Default value is 2)
    c   - Positive scalar indicating the offset of the polynomial.
          (Default value is 0)
    prtKernelPolynomial objects inherit the TRAIN, RUN, and AND
    methods from prtKernel.
   Polynomial kernels are widely used in the machine
   learning literature. For more information on these kernels, please
   refer to:
   % Example:
    ds = prtDataGenBimodal;         % Load a data set
    k1 = prtKernelPolynomial;       % Create 2 kernels to compare
    k2 = prtKernelPolynomial('d',3);
    k1 = k1.train(ds); % Train
    g1 =;   % Evaluate
    k2 = k2.train(ds); % Train
    g2 =;   % Evaluate
    subplot(2,1,1); imagesc(g1.getObservations);  %Plot the results
    subplot(2,1,2); imagesc(g2.getObservations);
See also