prtDistanceSquare Compute distance squared
DIST = prtDistanceChebychev(DS1,DS2) calculates the Distance square distance
from all the observations in datasets DS1 to DS2, and ouputs a distance
matrix of size DS1.nObservations x DS2.nObservations. DS1 and DS2
should have the same number of features. DS1 and DS2 should be
prtDataSet objects. This distance is the same as the Chebychev disance
For more information, see:
% Create 2 data sets
dsx = prtDataSetStandard('Observations', [0 0; 1 1]);
dsy = prtDataSetStandard('Observations', [1 0;2 2; 3 3]);
% Compute distance
distance = prtDistanceSquare(dsx,dsy)