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Pattern Recognition in MATLAB

The Pattern Recognition Toolbox for MATLAB® provides an easy to use and robust interface to dozens of pattern classification tools making cross-validation, data exploration, and classifier development rapid and simple. The PRT gives you the power to apply sophisticated data analysis techniques to your problem. If you have data and need to make predictions based on your data, the PRT can help you do more in less time.

Visualize Your Data

The PRT’s prtDataSet objects make using and visualizing your data a breeze. The multiple built in techniques for data visualization will help you interactively understand your data and develop the insights to help you make breakthroughs.

Streamline Your Processing

The PRT provides a wide array of inter-connectable pattern recognition approaches. Every PRT action can be connected to any other PRT actions to enable you to build the powerful processing pipelines to solve the problems you need to solve with a single tool.

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Built in cross-validation techniques ensure that your performance estimates are robust, and are indicative of expected operating performance, and built in support for decision making takes the guesswork out of setting optimal thresholds to make binary or M-ary decisions based on your data.

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Spectral Clustering

Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago we talked about clustering with K-Means, and using K-Means distances as a pre-processing step. K-Means is great when euclidean distance in your input feature-space is meaningful, but what if your data instead lies on a high-dimensional manifold?

We recently introduced some new clustering and distance-metric approaches suitable for these cases - spectral clustering. The theory behind spectral clustering is beyond the scope of this entry, but as usual, the wikipedia page has a good summary -

Although I’m writing the blog entry, all of the code in this demo was written by one of our graduate students @ Duke University - Dmitry Kalika, who’s a new convert to the PRT! Welcome Dima!



Throughout the following and the code for spectral clustering in the PRT, we make use of the excellent Bengio, 2003 paper - Out-of-Sample Extensions for LLE, Isomap, MDS, Eigenmaps, and Spectral Clustering

In particular, we use that extention for performing cluster approximation for out-of-sample embedding estimation.


Spectral clustering typically relies upon what’s referred to as a spectral embedding; this is a low-dimensional representation of a high-dimensional proximity graph.

We can use features derived from spectral embeddings like so:

ds = prtDataGenBimodal;
dsTest = prtDataGenBimodal(10);
algo = prtPreProcSpectralEmbed;
algo = algo.train(ds);
yOut =;


While spectral embedding provides a feature space for additional processing, we can also use prtClusterSpectralKmeans to perform direct clustering in the spectral space.

For example, the Moon data set (see prtDataGenMoon) creates two crescent moon-shapes that are not well-separated by euclidean distance metrics, but can be easily separated in spectral-cluster space.

ds = prtDataGenMoon;
preProc = prtPreProcZmuv;
preProc = preProc.train(ds);
dsNorm =;
kmeans = prtClusterKmeans(‘nClusters’,2);
kmeansSpect = prtClusterSpectralKmeans(‘nClusters’,2);
kmeans = kmeans.train(dsNorm);
kmeansSpect = kmeansSpect.train(dsNorm);
title(‘K-Means Clusters’);
title(‘Spect-K-Means Clusters’);

Wrapping Up

Spectral clustering provides a very useful technique for non-linear and non-euclidean clustering. Right now our spectral clustering approaches are constrained to using RBF kernels, though there’s nothing that prevents you from using alternate kernels in future versions.

As always, let us know if you have questions or comments.