Feature selection in the Pattern Recognition Toolbox

Feature selection is a technique that is used to determine which features of a data set are most relevant to performing classification. In general, for a fixed size training set, incorporating more features in classifier training can lead to declining performance due to the curse of dimensionality. Therefore, it is often desirable to reduce the amount of features used to perform classification to the smallest amount possible that still gives the desired performance. prtFeatSel objects provide a way to select features based on a performance criteria.


Exhaustive feature selection

Exhaustive feature selection works by exhaustively comparing all
possible combinations of features that could be selected. The number of
features to be selected must be determined beforehand. The feature
selection algorithm will then evaluate the classifier with all
combinations of features and select the set that gives the best
performance. The classifier performance is determined by specifying a
prtEval object. Note that the computational complexity of exhaustive
feature selection grows very rapidly, so that for even moderately sized
data sets, exhaustive feature selection is impractical.  The following
example illustrates exhaustive feature selection:
% Generate a data set, this data set has a redundant feature intentionally
% inserted for example purposes.
dataSet = prtDataGenFeatureSelection;

featSel = prtFeatSelExhaustive;   % Create a feature selction object
featSel.nFeatures = 3;            % Select three features of the data

 % The classification will be done using a prtClassGlrt object.
classifier = prtClassGlrt;

%   Change the evaluation metric to prtScoreAuc, the area under the
%   receiver operating curve.
featSel.evaluationMetric = @(DS)prtEvalAuc(classifier, DS);

featSel = featSel.train(dataSet);  % Train the feature selection object
outDataSet = featSel.run(dataSet); % Run the classifier on the data set
                                   % using only the selected features

The above example illustrates several important things about feature selection. First, the clasification algorithm must be specified, as is done by passing a prtClassGlrt object to the prtEval function. You can instantiate and configure the prtClass object just like any other prtClass object. Second, the evaluation is done by a prtEval object, which takes the classifier and data set, and evaluates it in terms of a given performance metric.

By calling the train method on the prtFeatSel object, all possible combinations of 3 features are evaluated, and the set resulting in the best performance, is selected. The selected features are:

ans =
     2     6    10

Finally, calling the run function on the dataset, runs the prtGlrt classifier object, but only using the features that were found during training, and outputs the result.

Sequential forward selection

Exhaustive feature selection can take a considerable amount of time to train, particularly if the number of features is large. Sequential feature selection can potentially resolve this problem while reducing the amount of training time. Sequential forward selection starts by selecting one feature by and evaluating the classifier on each feature individually. The feature that gives the best performance is then selected. If more than one feature is requested, the feature selection object will then repeat this, adding features, and selecting the one that most improves performance, until the desired number of features has been met. For example:

% Create a sequential forward selection object
featSel = prtFeatSelSfs;

% For fair comparision, leave the evaluation and classifier the same:
featSel.evaluationMetric = @(DS)prtEvalAuc(classifier, DS);

featSel = featSel.train(dataSet);  % Train the feature selection object
ans =
     2     6    10

Observe that the selected features are [3 1 7]. Notice that they are the same features as found in the exhaustive feature selection, but in different order. This is because feature 3 contributes the most to the performance metric, follwed by feature 1, then feature 7. Note that it is not guaranteed that sequential forward selection will select the same features as exhaustive selection, it is merely a coincidence in this case. Sequential forward selection does not evaluate all possible combinations of features as exhaustive feature selection does.

% All feature selection objects in the Pattern Recognition Toolbox have the
% same API as discussed above.  For a list of all the different objects,
% and links to their individual help entries, <prtDocFunctionList.html#8 A
% list of commonly used functions>