MATLAB File Help: prtRvUniform/prtRvUniform
  prtRvUniform  Uniform random variable
    RV = prtRvUniform creates a prtRvUniform object with empty
    upperBounds and lowerBounds. The upperBounds and lowerBounds must
    be set either directly, or by calling the MLE method. upperBounds
    and lowerBounds specify the range of the uniform variable.
    RV = prtRvUniform(PROPERTY1, VALUE1,...) creates a prtRvUniform
    object RV with properties as specified by PROPERTY/VALUE pairs.
    A prtRvUniform object inherits all properties from the prtRv class.
    In addition, it has the following properties:
    upperBounds - 1 x nDims double vector specifying the upper bound of
                  the region with uniform density
    lowerBounds - 1 x nDims double vector specifying the lower bound of
                  the region with uniform density
   A prtRvUniform object inherits all methods from the prtRv class.
   The MLE  method can be used to estimate the distribution parameters
   from data.
   dataSet = prtDataGenUnimodal;        % Load a dataset consisting of
                                        % 2 features
   dataSet = retainFeatures(dataSet,1); % Retain only the first feature
   RV = prtRvUniform;                   % Create a prtRvUniform object
   RV = RV.mle(dataSet);                % Compute the bounds
                                        % form the data
   RV.plotPdf                           % Plot the pdf
See also