MATLAB File Help: prtRvDiscrete/prtRvDiscrete
  prtRvDiscrete  Discrete random variable.
    RV = prtRvDiscrete creates a prtRvDiscrete object with an unknown
    symbols and unspecified probabilities. These properties
    can be set manually or by using the MLE method. Both of these
    properties must be set to make the RV valid.
    RV = prtRvDiscrete(PROPERTY1, VALUE1,...) creates a
    prtRvDiscrete object RV with properties as specified by
    A prtRvDiscrete object inherits all properties from the
    prtRv class. In addition, it has the following properties:
    nCategories   - number of integers modeled by the RV
    probabilities - 1 x nCategories vector of doubles less than 1
                    that sum to 1, representing the probability of
                    each of the integers
    symbols       - nCategories x M matrix of symbols
                    M specifies the dimensionality of the RV object.
   A prtRvDiscrete object inherits all methods from the prtRv
   class. The MLE  method can be used to set the parameters from data.
       rv = prtRvDiscrete('symbols',(10:12)','probabilities',[0.3 0.3 0.4]);
       % Plot MVN distributed data as discrete
       rv = mle(prtRvDiscrete,draw(prtRvMvn('mu',[1 2],'sigma',2*eye(2)),100));
See also