MATLAB File Help: prtFeatSelSfs/prtFeatSelSfs
  prtFeatSelSfs   Sequential forward feature selection object.
     FEATSEL = prtFeatSelSfs creates a sequental forward feature selection
     FEATSEL = prtFeatSelSfs(PROPERTY1, VALUE1, ...) constructs a
     prttFeatSelSfs object FEATSEL with properties as specified by
     A prtFeatSelSfsobject has the following properties:
     nFeatures             - The number of features to be selected
     showProgressBar       - Flag indicating whether or not to show the
                             progress bar during feature selection.
     evaluationMetric      - The metric to be used to determine which
                             features are selected. evaluationMetric must
                             be a function handle. The function handle must
                             be in the form:
                             @(dataSet)prtEval(prtClass, dataSet, varargin)
                             where prtEvak is a prtEval function, prtClass
                             is a prt classifier object, and varargin
                             represents optional input arguments to a
                             prtEval function.
     peformance            - The performance obtained by the using the
                             features selected.
     selectedFeatures      - The indices of the features selected that gave
                             the best performance.
    A prtFeatSelExhaustive object inherits the TRAIN and RUN methods
    from prtClass.
    dataSet = prtDataGenFeatureSelection;         % Generate a data set
    featSel = prtFeatSelSfs;          % Create a feature selction object
    featSel.nFeatures = 3;            % Select only one feature of the data
    featSel = featSel.train(dataSet); % Train the feature selection object
    outDataSet =;% Extract the data set with only the
                                      % selected features
    %   Change the scoring function to prtScorePdAtPf, and change the
    %   classification method to prtClassMAP
    featSel.evaluationMetric = @(DS)prtEvalPdAtPf(prtClassMap, DS, .9);
    featSel = featSel.train(dataSet);
    outDataSet =;
See Also