prtAlgorithm Combine prtActions
ALG = prtAlgorithm creates an empty prtAlgorithm object. prtAction
objects can be added to the prtAlgorithm object using overloaded
operators as described below.
ALG = prtAlgorithm(ACTIONOBJ) creates a prtAlgorithm object with the
prtAction object ACTIONOBJ. The algortihm can be further configured
using overloaded operators.
Algorithms represent combinations of prtActions.
Overloaded operators
+ Inserts a prtAction object at the end of the processing chain
- Inserts a prtAction object at the beginning of the procesing chain
/ Inserts a prtAction object in parallel with the processing chain
\ Inserts a prtAction object in parallel with the processing
chain. Note that operators \ and / perform the same operation. The
only difference is where the actions are displayed when the
prtAlgortihm is plotted.