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MATLAB Pattern Recognition Open Free and Easy

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Pattern Recognition in MATLAB

The Pattern Recognition Toolbox for MATLAB® provides an easy to use and robust interface to dozens of pattern classification tools making cross-validation, data exploration, and classifier development rapid and simple. The PRT gives you the power to apply sophisticated data analysis techniques to your problem. If you have data and need to make predictions based on your data, the PRT can help you do more in less time.

Visualize Your Data

The PRT’s prtDataSet objects make using and visualizing your data a breeze. The multiple built in techniques for data visualization will help you interactively understand your data and develop the insights to help you make breakthroughs.

Streamline Your Processing

The PRT provides a wide array of inter-connectable pattern recognition approaches. Every PRT action can be connected to any other PRT actions to enable you to build the powerful processing pipelines to solve the problems you need to solve with a single tool.

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Built in cross-validation techniques ensure that your performance estimates are robust, and are indicative of expected operating performance, and built in support for decision making takes the guesswork out of setting optimal thresholds to make binary or M-ary decisions based on your data.

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Observation Info

One of the hidden gems of the PRT is the observationInfo property. Let’s talk about a few ways you can use it to simplify your workflow.


What is observationInfo?

Simply put, observationInfo is a structure array stored in a prtDataSetStandard that has a number of entries equal to the number of observations in the dataSet. This structure array has user defined fields that store side information. When observations are removed from a dataset the observationInfo structure is also properly indexed. Here is a quick example.

First let’s make a simple dataset with only 4 observations

X = cat(1,prtRvUtilMvnDraw([0 0],eye(2),2),prtRvUtilMvnDraw([2 2],eye(2),2));
Y = [0; 0; 1; 1;];

ds = prtDataSetClass(X,Y);


Now let’s create a structure of observationInfo and set it.

obsInfo = struct(‘fileIndex’,{1,2,3,4}‘,'timeOfDay’,{‘day’,‘night’,‘day’,‘night’}‘);

ds.observationInfo = obsInfo;

Retain Observations

If we retain (or remove) observations from this dataSet, the observation info is properly indexed.

dsSub = ds.retainObservations([1; 4]);
ans =
ans =


A hidden method of prtDataSetClass allows us to “select” observations from a dataSet by evaluating a function on the observationInfo. select() takes a function handle that is evaluated for each entry in the dataSet and returns a logical index. A dataSet containing only the observations for which the function was true is returned.

dsDayOnly =,'day'));
ans = 
  'day'    'day'


Sometimes with complex dataSets with lots of observationInfo sorting through the data can be difficult. A graphical way to view observationInfo and create a function handle for select. This functionality is currently in Beta so make sure you include those directories in your path.


Right clicking (ctrl+click in OSX) in the table allows you to graphically select observations that will be returned by select.


This is a simple example of what observation info is and how it can be used. We use it all of the time to manage all of our side information. Because all calls to retainObservation correctly index the observationInfo the side information is available within actions even during cross-validation. Making use of observation info is a quick way to fake a custom type of dataSet that contains other side information. Let us know how you use observationInfo and if you have any ideas to improve it.